Please join us in celebrating...

Benjamin Pierce's 60th Birthday

Join us on January 13, 2024, the weekend before POPL 2024, for a day of talks to honor Benjamin C. Pierce in the year of his 60th birthday.

The event will be held at The Royal Society in London, UK. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and the day will end with a small tea and cake reception. We will also support virtual attendance via a live video stream.

Many thanks to the University of Pennsylvania's Department of Computer and Information Science; the University of Pennsylvania's PLClub; QuviQ; and other friends, collaborators, and former students of Benjamin's for sponsoring this event.

Attendance, both in-person and virtual, is free thanks to this generous support from our sponsors. Registration is now closed.

Please direct any questions to Harrison Goldstein at

With talks from...

Leo Lampropoulos
Leo Lampropoulos
Atsushi Igarashi
Atsushi Igarashi
Stephanie Weirich
Stephanie Weirich
Steve Zdancewic
Steve Zdancewic
Peter Sewell
Peter Sewell
Michael Hicks
Michael Hicks
John Hughes
John Hughes
Crista Lopes
Crista Lopes


9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Opening Remarks
10:15 Leonidas Lampropoulos
10:45 Atsushi Igarashi
11:15 Coffee
11:45 Stephanie Weirich & Steve Zdancewic
12:15 Lunch
14:00 Peter Sewell
14:30 Michael Hicks
15:00 Coffee
15:45 John Hughes
16:15 Crista Lopes
16:45 Closing Remarks
17:00 - 18:30 Tea & Cake Reception

Organized by...

Joseph W. Cutler
Joseph W. Cutler
Nate Foster
Nate Foster
Harrison Goldstein
Harrison Goldstein